Thursday, March 4, 2010

Strange Sleepers

In the same theme as my previous post, tonight I saw a couple more unique sleeping arrangements. The first was in Grand Central Station. Now usually, nomads try to find a nice hidden corner or niche, but in this case, right in the middle of the floor proves to be the bed of choice.

Then, no less than an hour later I found a couple fine gentlemen who felt that McDonalds was the appropriate resting place. These two show a bit more experience because unlike the first fellow, these guys wont get stepped on.

Personally, my favorite nap spot is the back row of my Economics class. (Prof, if you happen to read this, no offense, it's just that everything you are talking about was already in the reading assignment).

1 comment:

Amber Marie said...

Personally I find sleeping is near impossible in any way, shape or form. These men have a true talent.