Sunday, June 10, 2012


After moving from uptown Manhattan, I do miss the park, but what I don't miss are the entitled, obnoxious adults and children who frequently occupy the otherwise beautiful place. Today, The Honey Badgers arrived at Great Lawn field #3 for our weekly softball doubleheader. To our dismay, there was a sea of suited up 11 year olds on the field, playing what seemed to be the final innings of a "championship game" (don't ask me why both teams were wearing the same jersey). Aside from the fact the game was encroaching into our playing time, there was evidence of further nuisance, as sitting on the bench was a box a small trophies. Sure enough, when the game ended (5 minutes after our tight window of playing time began), the coaches and parents corralled the horde of banshees onto field. ONTO THE FIELD!?! The game was over and we were clearly waiting to play, why wouldn't they conduct their stupid ceremony on the side, out of our way. After the coaches were done handing out little trophies to all of the players, they finally started to disperse, just in time for an anxious mother to scream, "get back here for photos!!!" Are you kidding me?!? Another 8 minutes and finally they were done and out of our way. Well, THEY were but their trash wasn't. Those entitled pigs scampered away, leaving all of their water bottles, napkins, and of course two huge empty boxes that used to be filled with stupid trophies. Now for perspective, every softball team that plays on these fields takes away their own trash. It's etiquette, it's standard, it's common sense. But these entitled Uptown parents just thought somebody was going to come clean up behind them. I wonder how their kids will turn out?*

Two empty trophy boxes, audaciously left behind by some entitled Uptown parents.

*I do know a couple people who were raised Uptown and turned out normal. So it's not everybody who's out of touch with reality, just 97% of them.

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