Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hands Free

Every now and then I get a random genius idea, pause what I was previously doing, then devote two hours to create something. Today, after thinking about how I could make good use of a duplicate cell phone holster...

My love affair with the hot glue gun continued as I glued a shock absorbing spring to the back of the case. I then sculpted with hot glue a receptor for the spring to marry the head post of the bike. Then steel tie wire squeezed it tight.

Now I can explore without dangerously holding and maneuvering the phone in one hand.


A Rosenbloom said...

Will you be using this primarily for texting or maps?

David Sylvester said...

Why stop at texting or maps? Now he can stream netflix while cutting through traffic!!

Anonymous said...

Its probably best that you keep your head up while biking in NYC traffic!

Anonymous said...

...said DISCO STU!